Online-Vorlesungsreihe an der Torrens University


Im Januar gibt es eine Reihe an Vorlesungen zur Ökonomik der Nachhaltigkeit. Die Registrierung erfolgt hier.

Dies sind die Vorlesungstermine im Detail:

US evening / Australia morning (5:00PM EST / 9:00AM AEDT / 10:00PM GMT)

  • Professor Stephanie Kelton - Finding the Money - 8th/9th January
  • Professor Joshua Farley - Ecological Economics: the next 30 years - 11th/12th January
  • Professor L Randall Wray - The History of Money - 16th/17th January

Europe morning / Australia evening (9:00AM GMT / 8:00PM AEDT / 4:00AM EST)

  • Dr Dirk Ehnts - Where is the Eurozone headed? Money, institutions and macroeconomics - 22nd January
  • Associate Professor Mark Diesendorf - The Path to a Sustainable Civilisation - 29th January
  • Professor Fadhel Kaboub - Decolonise to Decarbonise - 31st January