MMT Summer School 2024 in Maastricht
Am Freitag läuft die Frist zur Anmeldung ab für meinen Kurs zu MMT und europäischer Makroökonomik, der in englischer Sprache abgehalten wird. Vormittags gibt es Vorlesungen und Nachmittags Zeit zum Nachdenken. Ggf. können auch 2 ECTS erworben werden.
Hier geht es zur Registrierung. Und hier folgen Informationen zum Kurs:
Course Description
The course introduces students to Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) in the context of the Eurozone. The course explains money creation and its macroeconomic consequences, including the response to the pandemic, fiscal framework of the European Union and its recent reform, causes and consequences of inflation and unemployment.
The balance sheets and transactions that are relevant for understanding modern money are examined, with a focus on the Eurozone. Explanations include the idea that banks can create bank deposits through their accounting software, that governments spend first and collect taxes later and that central banks use a set of interest rates as their main tool of policy instead of manipulating the money supply.
• Knowledge of central banks and monetary policy.
• Understanding the operations of the Treasury and fiscal operations.
• Grasp of credit creation and clearing process in the banking system.
• Ability to aggregate balance sheets to use sectoral balances as a tool for macroeconomics.
• Insights on the economic history of the eurozone, its crisis and possible remedies.